Building on the new Global Biodiversity Framework just established (until 2030) by the Convention on Biological Diversity, this session discusses different aspects of transformative changes that should occur, indicators, integration of values and knowledge system to operationalize the new GBF, aiming to a due implementation.

Date and time

Saturday, March 11 9:00-12:00



Meeting ID867 3511 7185


Lily Rodríguez

Time Table

9:00-9:20Marcin Pawel JarzebskiLocally initiated biodiversity-based sustainability transitions
9:20-9:40Jie SuJIE SU. A holistic framework for systematic mangrove restoration planning
9:40-10:00Lam HuynhNature – Human wellbeing – Climate resilience nexus in ecosystem-based adaptations for coastal defence: lessons learnt from Asian coastal cities.
10:00-10:20Himangana GuptaClimate-biodiversity nexus in the context of science-policy interface
10:20-10:40Coffee break
10:40-11:00Suneetha SubramanianPluralistic approaches to achieve sustainability
11:00-11:20Claudia RutteThe sacred commons: Conflicts and solutions of resource management in sacred natural sites
11:20-11:40Osamu Saito“Future scenario analysis of biodiversity and ecosystem services to lead transformative changes and operationalization of the GBF”
11:40-12:00Wrap-up discussion